Izašao je novi broj publikacije Croatian Theatre 10/11. Publikacija je napisana na engleskom jeziku te služi za predstavljanje hrvatske kazališne scene u inozemstvu, a može se dobiti besplatno u Hrvatskom centru ITI, Basaričekova 24.

U novom broju Croatian Theatre možete pronaći iduće tekstove:

  • Damned be the traitor of his homeland! (On the limits of performance in the work of Oliver Frljić), Nina Gojić
  • The In- house writer of the Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Hrvoje Ivanković
  • At a time when the middle of the road is getting narrower, It is impossible not to pick a side (a conversation with author Tomislav Zajec), Matko Botić

te drame:

  • That which is missing, Tomislav Zajec
  • How’s life, Nina Mitrović