This year’s Croatian Theater Showcase will take place in Zagreb from May 8th to May 12th, during which twenty international selectors from France, Italy, China, Egypt etc. will visit numerous venues and watch as many as nine theater, dance and new circus performances.

The Showcase will include and present performances at &TD Theater, Kerempuh Satirical Theater, Travno Cultural Center, Kunst Theater, the Zagreb Youth Theatre, The Croatian National Theater, City Theater Gavella, as well as a performance in Crni Mačak Caffe Bar.

View the program booklet – here (English).

The Croatian Theater Showcase program, organised by the Croatian ITI Center since 2005, primarily in the city of Zagreb, but also in Rijeka and other Croatian cities, has so far hosted more than 150 selectors from all over the world, included and presented more than 90 local theater and dance performances, and by networking local and international cultural institutions, organizations and artists, initiated countless cultural collaborations.