Nikola Đuretić: Theatre Road Signs and Side Roads, 1996.

Original Title: Kazališni putokazi i krajputaši (zapisi o londonskom kazalištu)

This book is probably the best beginning possible to the series of theatre travelogues in the Series Mansions. On the one hand, because London continues to be a compelling theatre centre, and on the other, because the author has for many years followed both Croatian and English theatre. The book is structured as a review of various aspects of London theatre life during the 1970s and the 1980s. So we learn about how the theatre mechanism functions in London, about the span of its organisation and aesthetics (from the West End to the alternative theatre movement), with a review of the most significant productions in the individual theatre seasons, and can read about the way in which Shakespeare and his contemporaries are produced nowadays. The author informs us about the diverse approaches to acting and direction, and also about the outstanding personalities of the British theatre such as Peter Brook, Laurence Olivier, Glenda Jackson, Edward Bond… For the first time, Croatian readers can find a comprehensive list and explanation in one place of the most important concepts of the London theatre, because the book is equipped with a Glossary.