Selected Authors: Contemporary Italian Drama, 2003.

Editor: Željka Turčinović
The book, authored by actor, director and theatrologist Mario Mattia Giorgietti, Editor-in-Chief of the Italian theatre magazine Sipario, presents seven plays by contemporary Italian playwrights of the older generation. As they have all collaborated with the most renowned Italian theatre troupes and directors the selected plays might be read as a sort of anthological overview of Italian drama of the second half of the 20th century. The book features the best works, also well known abroad, by authors Mariela Boggio (Abélard to Heloize, Heloize to Abélard), Elena Bono (Mad Flamenco), Luigi Lunari (Threesome on the Swing), Dacia Maraini (Veronica, a Poetess and a Whore), Dario G. Martini (In the Name of the Son), Carlo Maria Pensa (A Pool in the Yard) and Vicenzo Ziccarelli (Francesco and the King).