21.4.-25.4.2016., ZAGREB



21.4.- Day of arrival (recommended time of arrival: before 18.00h)

Name of the event:

Opening ceremony of the Showcase and the Platforma HR festival TASK 15 opening

Time: 20h Location: Pogon Jedinstvo, (Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth), Trnjanski nasip n.n


About event:

Task 15 is a group of seven people pursuing a 15-years long quest of scrutinizing all the aspects of Task creatively and critically and rendering the process each and every year into an experience to share with everyone. TASK 15 is observing fragility, vulnerability, awareness, trust, frame, content, transitions between frames as a conclusion, responsibility, embodiment, crumbling, different sense of time in relation to embodiment, then in relation to talking/conversation, different spaces existing parallel to one another… web link:

22.4.- Day One

Name of the event:

Presentation of the dance magazine Movements

Time: 12h

Location: Basaričekova 24, Office of the Croatian ITI Center (

About Movements:

As the only Croatian journal exclusively dedicated to dance art Kretanja / Movements has

from its very first issue (in 2002) published a corpus of texts that can be used as a kind of

basis or introduction into dance theory, and serve as a platform for dance researchers as well

as for the audience interested in field of dance. We have also published Movements in English language at particular intervals (2006, 2010) as well as one issue in French language (2011). Nevertheless, communication and more dynamic and frequent dialogue with international spectators and readers by means of bilingual issue seems to us as necessity in order to strengthen visibility and readability of the most propulsive realizations of the Croatian dance practice and theory. So we have decided to publish Kretanja / Movements in Croatian and in English from double issue 23/24 onwards.


14.00h Lunch break

Name of the event:

Dance: Task 17 at Platforma HR

Time: 18h

Location: Pogon Jedinstvo, Trnjanski nasip n.n.

Duration: 1h

About the performance:

EN TOURNANT Theory and life. Espresso macchiato and cocoa. High culture and pop. Rudolph Steiner and Michael Clark. David Bowie and Pina Bausch. Rijeka and Zagreb. London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Mannheim, Dresden. And Lovran. Boris Groys and Marilyn Monroe. Silvia and Žak. Absolute beginners.

Name of the event:

Theatre: #workingtitleantigone

Time: 19.30h

Location: Zagrebačko kazalište mladih – Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM /, Nikola Tesla street 7

Duration: 1h 15min

Director: Renata Carola Gatica

About the performance:

A terrorist attack has shaken the City of Thebes. The main city daily newspaper has been attacked by religious extremists. Antigone, a young and rebellious Internet activist, has decided to expose the conspiracy behind the tragedy. She will enter a conflict with Creon, a large media magnate committed to defending the country at all costs.

The world is reducing the dimensions of distance. Nowadays, borders are close to one another like never before. Cultural differences, forced by the global market to blend into a unified whole, react violently in this blending. Paradoxically, the globalized world is becoming more diverse and more complex. However, diversity is a collateral effect of mondialization, an inconvenience on the technical level. Economic markets hope for a single currency, a single economy, a single shapeless and faceless mass of consumers. The more peculiarities are revealed, the greater the attack of the cultural system to remove them will be. As citizens of the 21st century, we exist in the context of the battle for the survival of differences. How to succeed in achieving the dream of being one world, without, at the same time, losing the richness of being in many worlds? This is a question posed by this work, without elaborating on any answer. And the question is equally urgent to us today, as it was to Sophocles thousands of years ago. All this is depicted in the battle between the most notably obstinate persons in the history of theatre: a traumatic clash between tradition and progress, between collective duty and needs of individual passions, between the same and the different. Creon and Antigone will defend to their outmost limits their worldviews and the ways they face practical dilemmas of this world. They will remain rigid in their attitudes to the point of their own destruction and destruction of those around them. Any resemblance to reality is by no means accidental.

23.4.- Day 2

The name of event: The secret history of the CNT in Zagreb

Location: Croatian National Theatre (CNT), Trg maršala Tita 15

Time: 11h

Duration: 1h

Language of tour: English

About event:

Due to an increased interest of the citizens and visitors of Zagreb, the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb has introduced a new offer: at least once a month, there are especially tailored group tours of the theatre building after the scenario written by Iva Silla led by the actors of the CNT Drama. The groups visit places that are usually closed to public and this unusual tour reveals the hidden side of the theatre; corridors and underground tunnels, the emperor’s salon and ceremonious boxes, dressing rooms, ballet studios, workshops and the stage are just a few of the places that visitors see. This tour is spiced by stories from the theatre’s history, old secrets and memories, but also with the experiences of our guides. The tours take place once a month on a Saturday, at the full hour and this shall be announced in due time. Every visitor is allowed to select one of the three offered backstage tours. What every tour will reveal must remain a secret, so that a bit of mysteriousness is there at the beginning of this interesting event.
13.00 Lunch Break


The name of event:

Dance: Carnival tent rusts in the evening breeze – un/packing of objecthood

Location: Gallery Miroslav Kraljević, Pavle Šubić 29

Time: 16h

Performer: Sonja Pregrad

About the performance:

The event-space functions simultaneously and in contradiction as a performance and as an exhibition and within it 9 ‘objects’ are exhibited/performed – a re-enactment of a performance art work Meeting Point by Sanja Iveković, a wall-writing, a teenage diary from 1991, garments bought at the Kamensko factory in bankruptcy, Glaubert’s salt and sugar cubes, performance as an object consisting of time, objects borrowed from the audience and the dance as an object. The making of the work was financed by the HZT/ UdK Berlin, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb and with the residency at the Dance Centre TALA.

The name of event:

Dance: Displaced

Location: Pogon Jedinstvo, Trnjanski nasip n.n.

Time: 18h

Choreography and performance: Tamara Curić, Larisa Navojec, Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld in collaboration with Zrinka Užbinec

About the performance:

Displaced is a place for encounters between artists who will, by stepping out of the usual modes of collaboration, try to collaboratively create a space where everything is displaced, shifted, switched and uprooted …

This experiment questions the ways in which this sort of approach to one’s own medium and displacement in a performing space affects the perception of spectators and participants.

The project was realized with the help of the Zagreb City Office for Culture, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, the NDA and the Pogon Jedinstvo, and it was created in the facilities of Ultima Vez Studios (Belgium) and the Tala Dance Center (Croatia).

Name of the event:

Theatre: Crna knjiga (The Black Book)

Location: Zagrebačko kazalište mladih – Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM /, Nikola Tesla street 7

Time: 20h

Duration: 2h

Director: Borut Šeparović

About the performance:

„The fates of the people with credit debt tied to the Swiss franc, and their legal struggle after becoming organized in the “Franak” association and fighting for justice for “regular people” in the face of powerful banking interests, have been recurring themes in Croatia for years. The abovementioned association, i.e. her 99 members, published a “Black Book” four years ago, retelling the stories of individuals whose lives had taken a turn for the worse after the Swiss franc “spiraled out of control”. That “Black Book” inspired director and Montažstroj founder Borut Šeparović to take that subject matter – crushing loans, crediting, public debt – and create a play about it. “Black Book” will premiere on March 11 at the Zagreb Youth Theatre.” (Excerpt from an interview with Borut Šeparović, Nacional)

24.4.- Day Three

The name of event:

Free morning or organized sightseeing

Location: Basaričekova 24, Office of the Croatian ITI Center (


13.00 Lunch Break


The name of event:

Theatre: Hoerspiel- a unique theatre piece about the mystery & romance of the early days of radio

Location: Villa Arko, Basaričekova 24

Time: 15.30h

Author: Pavlica Bajsić Brazzoduro

Duration: 80 min

About the performance:

90 years from the birth of radio/ 30 authors from Newfoundland, Paris, Lapland to Zagreb; from Zvonimir Bajsić to Samuel Beckett, Sam Shepard and Nam June Paik/ 10 performers; from actors, musicians, writers to sound engineers.


The name of event:

Theatre and dance: Away from terror. Away from fight. Away from pain. DISENTANGLMENT.

Location: Abandoned hospital, Vlaška 87

Time: 18h

Duration: 2h30min Author and director: Marina Petković Liker

About the performance:

This performance explores the events that have brought us to the space and time we find ourselves in, interweaving the levels of the past and the present, walks along the threads of a critical and anxious sensation of life, seeking neither solutions nor causes, but rather devoting ourselves to the process of facing our personal and collective responsibilities, which are part of not others, but ourselves, our families and our close friendships.

The performance is a continuation of four years of artistic research by Marina Petković Liker, which started under the moniker „Away from terror. The female gesture as a response to crisis. Attempts.“ The research takes place inside collectives, with artists of different provenances, and focuses on establishing a specific theatrical communication and co-relationship with the audience.

In this performance, Silvia Marchig, Urša Raukar, Ana-Maria Bogdanović and Anja Đurinović represent many different faces establishing relations with each other, but also a single, common face which cannot be understood via a classic narrative, but can be felt through different levels of observing, feeling and empathizing.


The name of event:

Dance: Old Age/Alzheimer Café

Location: Zagrebačko kazalište mladih – Zagreb Youth Theatre (ZKM /, Nikola Tesla street 7

Time: 21h

Duration: 1h Choreography, concept and music selection: Mirjana Preis

About the performance:  “Old age,” as Roger Bacon claims, “is the domain of forgetfulness”. We are a collection of our memories. They shape everything we know, everything we perceive, every move we make. This moment of conscious cognition of our existence encompasses the whole of our past, present and future, and the space we create by moving in that moment. History is full of touching, vivid descriptions of elderly folk who, nearing the end of their lives, began acting strangely, losing touch with their memories and the world around them, making strange decisions and acting rashly and irresponsibly, like children.