Zaplešimo na svoj jedinstveni ritam u međusobnom skladu jedni s drugima.
Let us all dance to our own tune and in our own style but in harmony with each other.
Vera Maletić
je bila umjetnička voditeljica i koreografkinja Studija za suvremeni ples u Zagrebu.Njezin rad za kazalište, film i televiziju predstavljen je u Jugoslaviji, Austriji, Njemačkoj, Švedskoj i Engleskoj. Magistrirala na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i doktorirala na Ohio State University. Prije dolaska u Columbus predavala je u Labanovu centru za pokret i ples u Engleskoj. Međunarodno priznati stručnjak Labanovih studija, Vera Maletić je autorica knjge Body-Space-Expression: The Development of Rudolf Laban’s Movement and Dance Concepts (Mouton, 1987). Od 1981-2000 predaje na Ohio State University Labanovu teoriju, ples za kameru i teoriju postmodernog plesa. Trenutačno surađuje na međunarodnim publikacijama poput The Routledge Sourcebook on Laban.
Vera Maletić, dance theoretician
was the artistic director, and choreographer for the Studio for Contemporary Dance in Zagreb, Croatia. Her work has been presented for theater, film, and television in Yugoslavia, Austria, West Germany, Sweden, and England. She received her M.A. from the University of Zagreb, and Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. Before coming to Columbus, she was on the faculty of the Laban Centre for Movement and Dance in England. Internationally prominent as an expert in Laban studies, Maletic is the author of Body-Space-Expression: The Development of Rudolf Laban’s Movement and Dance Concepts, published by Mouton in 1987. From 1981-2000 Maletic taught courses based on Laban’s framework and also developed courses for videodance and postmodern dance.Currently she is contributing to international publications, such as The Routledge Sourcebook on Laban.